Friday, April 1, 2022

Wicked Beauty by Katee Robert

I received a digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I love a Greek mythology retelling. I had previously listened to the audiobook for Neon Gods the first book in this series and loved it. (Who doesn’t love a Hades and Persephone retelling?)

This book focuses on characters that are well known but that I generally knew less about - Helen of Troy, Achilles and Patroclus. In Katee Roberts version of Olympus the 13 primary ruling “gods” are more positions that are held by mortal individuals than actual individual immortals. Therefore to select the next Ares applicants must compete in a series of three trials that had a hunger games-esque quality to them. 

Very LGBTQA+ positive. We have a fairly prominent non binary side character utilizing they/them pronouns. Patroclus has 2 moms and has a long term male partner and in case you couldn’t tell from the description we’re headed towards a polyamorous throuple in this plot.

Robert presents the relationships and characters in a way that is compelling, relatable and accessible even to someone who is not familiar with them in their daily life. This story is open door and high steam and yet still plot driven with captivating inner monologues from fully fleshed out characters. Trigger warnings - dead parents, dad murdered mom, manipulative siblings, history of emotional abuse as a child and in romantic relationships, bullying, abandonment/orphan. 

Awesome book. I definitely want to hear more from Olympus. 

Bravo - 5/5

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