Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The Cursed King by Abigail Owen

I received a digital arc of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is the 4th book in a four book series. I had not read the previous books so it can be done but I imagine the payoff would have been much sweeter having read the whole series. 

This is an epic adventure of the supernatural, primarily shifters. Excellent job with world building to flesh out this world of the authors creation. I love an underdog heroine and a scarred hero who doesn’t want to allow anyone near for the others safety. That is my favorite trope - sunshine/grumpy - heroine breaking down the hero’s walls and making his world a better place. 

It feels like many of the sci-fi/paranormal romances I’ve been reading lately have been on the shorter side however this one is full length. No cliffhanger. So many rich characters and interwoven plots. I was literally moved to tears at one point and laughed out loud several times.

Trigger warnings - parent death, indecision to be together, witchcraft, abuse flashbacks (hero). Open door, very steamy.

Great book now I need to go back and read the first 3. 


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