Tuesday, December 28, 2021

​Jingle Bell Jam by Pamela Kelley Narrated by Leslie Howard

I received a copy of this audiobook from NetGalley and Piping Plover Press in exchange for an honest review. 

At just over 3 hours this was a nice short holiday romance that had a somewhat Hallmark feel to it. Mostly in that it was a closed door romance taking place in a relatively small snowy mountain resort town just before Christmas. 

While I always appreciate a main character who doesn’t fit the common mold - I.e. our hero is overweight and out of shape and meets the heroine as his physical trainer following a back injury. I feel like an opportunity was missed to deal more fully with this concept though as a novela I can understand we’re on limited time here. 

Things I liked - 

The hero has 2 cats.

The jam in the title refers to literal strawberry jam etc. 

The hero has a loving family - parents/siblings.

The “villain” is somewhat redeemable.

Things I did not love -

The conclusion felt slightly rushed/quick/easy but again - novella. 

We open with a cooky old lady side character who talks to fairies. I can get behind cooky old people side characters in small towns but I need a little more back story to support their character development to make it feel less out of left feel. 

Narrator and sound quality were good.

Overall a solid sweet closed door Christmas romance novella. 


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